BIŌNTE® QUIMITŌX® LIVŌX®: Protection against the collateral effects of mycotoxins

BIŌNTE® QUIMITOX® LIVOX® stimulates intestinal integrity, relieves oxidative stress and detoxifies the liver.

Challenging scenarios in animal production includes the presence of mycotoxins, intensive production or period of stress. This leads to accelerating the oxidative process at cellular level altering the redox balance: When the ROS levels exceed the antioxidant capacity of the cell, it can be toxic for the organism.

This phenomenon is known as the oxidative stress. Therefore, it is important to have effective supplements to mitigate the effects of these situations.

Mycotoxins are immunotoxic and hepatotoxic, once ingested, they damage the liver and the intestinal barrier leading to the reduction of animal performances.

BIŌNTE has developed BIŌNTE® QUIMITŌX® LIVŌX® to be prepared by mixing it in drinking water before consumption for these three main reasons:

It is a liquid solution to mitigate the effects of mycotoxins and other toxins based on the synergistic combination of natural grape and olive extracts, among other selected antioxidant components.

The combination of these ingredients gives a powerful antioxidant, hepatoprotective and the anti-inflammatory effect that provides the following benefits: 

livox BIONTE

BIŌNTE has developed QUIMITŌX® LIVŌX® with three main objectives in mind:

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