BIŌNTE is a spin-off of Andrés Pintaluba S.A. (APSA), a company founded by D. Andrés Pintaluba Esporrín in the city of Reus in 1978.

BIŌNTE is a spin-off of  Andrés Pintaluba SA  (APSA), head of the Pintaluba Groupa multinational conglomerate of 14 companies based in 7 countries.

In 2022, after more than 20 years, BIŌNTE was born. A company focused on providing solutions to the challenges of mycotoxins to face a more demanding environment, with specialization and technical service as differentiating elements.

Our commitment is to remain a global benchmark in mitigating the effects of mycotoxins through scientific investigationinnovation and technical service, providing effective and sustainable solutions for a better animal nutrition.

QUIMITŌX®, already present in more than 30 countries worldwide, is our starting point. Now, what really makes BIŌNTE different is: 

  • Its human team.
  • The technical-commercial experience accumulated during these 20 years.
  • Specialized knowledge by target species.
  • Our determination to offer the best technical and commercial service to our customers.

Not all clients pose the same challenges; raw materials, target species and regions also raise different challenges. It is for this reason that the only way to mitigate the negative effects of mycotoxins is through specialization and personalized service as well as an effective, safe and profitable product.

At BIŌNTE we make all our knowledge available to our business partners and clients, as well as the necessary resources to undertake comprehensive plans as a key to success.

The transparency and excellence of our service is what makes it possible for mitigating mycotoxins to be a differentiating fact, and for you, as a client concerned about the health and animal production and its consequences, to count on us throughout the entire process of this comprehensive activity.

Our team

Picture of Ignacio Montagud, Ph.D.

Ignacio Montagud, Ph.D.

Managing Director

Picture of MVZ. Catalina Nicholls

MVZ. Catalina Nicholls

Veterinarian - Area Manager South and Central America and Caribbean area

Picture of BSc. Delfín Ferrús

BSc. Delfín Ferrús

BSc in Chemistry and Biochemistry – Research Specialist

Picture of Maria Sabaté

Maria Sabaté

Graduated in Journalism - Marketing and Communication Manager

Picture of MVZ. Mario A. Franco García

MVZ. Mario A. Franco García

Veterinarian – General Manager BIŌNTE DE MÉXICO SA de CV

Picture of Ing. Insaf Riahi, Ph.D.

Ing. Insaf Riahi, Ph.D.

Agronomic Engineer - Technical Director

Picture of BSc. Raquel Codina

BSc. Raquel Codina

BSc in Chemistry – Liquid Solutions Development Technician

Picture of Joseph Aung, BVSc, MBA

Joseph Aung, BVSc, MBA

South East Asia Area Manager (Thailand, Malaysia, Myanmar, & Vietnam)

Picture of Óscar Castro, PhD.

Óscar Castro, PhD.

BSc in Chemistry - Method Development - Lab Technician

Picture of Eng. Antonella Della Badia, PhD.

Eng. Antonella Della Badia, PhD.

Agronomic Engineer- Ruminants Product Manager